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Tutorial: Removing Pops and Clicks and Background Noise in Adobe Audition CS6

两种类型的噪音会降低你拍摄视频的音频:一种是随机的噪音,比如麦克风的咔哒声和砰的一声, consistent noises like white noise or air conditioning hum. This tutorial demonstrates how to remove both of them in Adobe Audition CS6.

有两种类型的噪音会降低你拍摄视频的音频:一种是随机的噪音,比如麦克风的咔哒声和砰的一声, consistent noises like white noise or air conditioning hum. 在本教程中, I'll show you how to remove both of them in Adobe Audition.


图1(下面) shows a waveform of the audio clip we're going to be working with, 在源窗口中,你可以看到有一些非常重要的弹出和点击(由长, 在波形中弹出的细竖线). 我们还看到音频太低. (一定要参考本页顶部的视频,听听我在本文中提到的噪音.)

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图1. The waveform we'll be working with-multiple pops and clicks, overall volume too low.

任何时候你提高音频音量, you run the risk of background noises appearing and getting significant. 如果您使用的是Adobe生产高级版CS6, 您需要在Adobe Audition中执行此工作, 当您在大多数Creative Suite版本中购买Premiere Pro CS6时,随其附带的专业音频编辑应用程序.

在试听中打开剪辑, 在时间轴中选择该文件, then choose Edit > Edit in Adobe Audition > Clip (下面的图2) to choose the clip, not the sequence, open it in Audition.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图2. 在试听中选择要编辑的剪辑

Adobe生产高级然后做渲染和替换, where the original audio gets replaced with the Audio Extracted_2.Wav文件显示在 图3(下面), 图4(在图3下面) 在Audition中显示音频文件. 事实上,我们在试听中打开的波形中确实看到了一些重要的砰砰声和点击声, 如图4所示.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图3. Original audio rendered and replaced with a new file called Audio Extracted_2.wav

Adobe Audition CS6
图4. Adobe Audition中的音频文件

This tutorial demonstrates Adobe Audition's Remix feature, 哪个允许您缩短音乐轨道的长度,以匹配您的视频编辑的持续时间.
本教程演示了如何使用后的效果 alpha哑光使您的视频“通过”文本发光.
Today Adobe announced updates to all Creative Cloud video apps that will debut at NAB. 以下是最新消息的详细内容, plus a video tutorial on four key new features in Premiere Pro CC: Master Clips, 生活的文本, 掩蔽和跟踪, 以及新的4K格式支持.
While 后的效果 may be daunting for some Premiere Pro editors, 这里是一个易于遵循的工作流程,可以使您的文本和标题充满活力,并在Adobe Bridge中找到预构建动画, 在后的效果中应用了几个简单的步骤, 并直接导入到您的Premiere Pro时间轴.
来自ShinyWhiteBox的一款基于mac的屏幕监控应用iShowU.com, 是快速的, 易于使用的, inexpensive; here's a look at how to use it to produce pro screencams that you can import into Adobe Premiere Pro CC to integrate into your video projects.
在本教程中, we'll look at how to create screencams with TechSmith Camtasia, 然后将它们导入到Adobe Premiere Pro中,将它们合并到您现有的Premiere Pro项目中,以创建无缝结合屏幕截图和高清镜头的专业质量教学视频.
这里有三个快速的技巧,将简化你的标题工作流程在Premiere Pro中,当你创建你喜欢的风格,并希望使用他们一致,而不是每次重新发明他们.
本视频教程演示了如何使用Adobe Premiere Pro CC或Adobe Audition中的多波段压缩机恢复语音音频的消声部分.
本视频教程演示了如何使用和利用Adobe Media Encoder CC中的3个关键新功能:Lumetri Looks支持, 和图像, 文本, 和时间码叠加.
本教程演示了如何将效果应用于视频图像的一部分,同时保持剪辑的其余部分不变, how to track that portion of the image throughout the duration of the clip, 使用adobepremiere Pro CC中的Track Matte效果.
最近升级到Adobe CC可以很容易地在Adobe Premiere Pro CC中应用分级外观,并通过Premiere Pro CC和SpeedGrade CC之间的无缝往返匹配不同色温的镜头.
探索3个新的关键功能在试听CC, 最新版本的Adobe专业音频编辑应用程序:消除嗡嗡声和其他不需要的可变频率噪音的声音去除, the Loudness Radar Meter for matching and adhering to broadcast volume standards, 和自动语音对齐ADR.
背景噪音和弹出和点击音频是一个不幸的事实,许多产品的生活. 在本教程中 we'll explore some fixes you can try in Final Cut Pro X.
1月时坐下来与Bill Roberts讨论影响视频专业人士Adobe Creative Suite未来方向的趋势, 包括3D的衰落, 4K的兴起, 第二屏幕观看. 其他话题包括Creative Cloud的发展,以及Apple Final Cut Pro X的发展轨迹.
There have been lots of comparisons between Final Cut Pro X and Premiere Pro CS6, 主要关注功能和工作流. 本文讨论了一系列多格式基准测试,这些测试分析了两个程序之间的性能比较.
Adobe Creative Suite获得云处理, 为制作人提供Photoshop的许可选择, Premiere Pro, 后的效果, Flash Pro and other CS6 applications on a month-by-month subscription basis, rather than paying for boxed product with perpetual licenses.
Adobe's ingest and simple transcoding tool won't rid you of the task of logging, but for those who are staying within an Adobe-only environment, 前奏的功能将使您的编辑, 合成, or even live-production clip-creation workflows quite a bit easier.
When you compress video for the web, the video can darken and colors can become muted. 在本教程中, 我将向您展示如何使用Adobe Premiere Pro的快速色彩校正器纠正颜色并调整亮度和色彩饱和度.
If you're a streaming producer you have to know how to produce H.264用于Flash分发和移动设备. 幸运的是, Adobe媒体编码器使这个简单的桌面和移动播放器的多个预设,我将向您展示如何在本教程中找到和自定义.
The Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE) works on both Windows and Mac computers and is free. Though you'll need a bit heftier of a computer to run FMLE than some other software encoders, 你会得到高质量的回报, 一致的视频流. 在本教程中, I'll walk you through the steps of producing a live event with FMLE.
在本教程中,您将学习如何在Adobe Premiere Pro CS6中使用亮度最大化视频的亮度和对比度, 对比, Gamma Correction controls for effective and balanced adjustments.
Video encoding and editing expert 1月时 provides three useful tips that will enhance your workflow and get you out of some editing jams in your Adobe Premiere Pro projects: editing audio without unlinking; Fill Left and Fill Right to create stereo audio; and creating nested sequences for smoother edits and creating reusable set pieces in your projects.
在本视频和文本教程中,Luisa Winters解释了如何使用新的和增强的多摄像头监视器,以便在Adobe Premiere Pro CS6中快速高效地进行多摄像头编辑.
新版本的Adobe媒体编码器, included in the just-released CS6 collection as well as as a standalone product, offers significant improvements in usability and performance, 还有新功能. 以下是你需要知道的.
In the final installment of the NAB Interviews with Shawn Lam, Shawn与Adobe的Al Mooney讨论了Premiere Pro CS6和Adobe Media Encoder的主要新功能.