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TAG Presents New Intuitive Control Interface and Automated Language Detection Technology at NAB 2024 - Both Aim to Simplify Day-to-Day Tasks and Optimize Media Workflows

TAG Presents New Intuitive Control Interface and Automated Language Detection Technology at NAB 2024 - Both Aim to Simplify Day-to-Day Tasks and Optimize Media Workflows

内华达州的拉斯维加斯(12 Apr 2024)

TAG Presents New Intuitive Control Interface and Automated Language Detection Technology at NAB 2024 - Both Aim to Simplify Day-to-Day Tasks and Optimize Media Workflows

其他亮点包括高级数据功能, 端到端HDR工作流, 新的利益丰富的整合, 和体验质量测量

拉斯维加斯,内华达州,2024年4月14日 TAG视频系统, 基于软件的IP端到端工作流监控的领导者, deep probing, 实时可视化, 正在展示许多从未见过的技术, 最大限度地利用数据的进程, 增强的端到端HDR工作流功能, 新的合作伙伴集成, 并在展位W1655的NAB 2024上增加了对QoE测量的支持.  These additions to the TAG platform will allow users to streamline day-to-day tasks and focus on business growth and operational strategies.


NAB 2024的全新产品是TAG导体, 托管在TAG的媒体控制系统(MCS)上的控制接口.  用户友好的设计, the application is HTML and API-based and can be used with a touch screen or a handheld tablet device, 它可以和操作员一起漫游. This new intuitive touch panel interface allows users to switch sources or mosaic layouts with the touch of a finger achieving the rapid response necessary for system control in a live media control room or network operation center environment.  Operators no longer need to waste valuable time searching menus but can access pre-defined, customizable configuration and operational functionality with just a tap on the mosaic. This dramatically removes overall complexity and simplifies day-to-day tasks. Access to the console is managed by role and permissions, ensuring security.

TAG Language Detection – Automatic subtitle language detection and analysis

NAB 2024也是新的, TAG介绍TAG语言检测, a revolutionary innovation that not only identifies the subtitles’ language but also calculates and analyzes quality based on language-specific dictionaries. This process introduces cutting-edge automation eliminating the manual labor traditionally associated with language identification, 将人为错误的风险降至最低, 并使运营商能够专注于更具战略性的任务.

通过将标题质量检查转换为数据驱动的操作, TAG Language Detection empowers operators with proactive monitoring capabilities. Real-time alerts ensure that potential quality issues are swiftly addressed, while the feature's data visualization capabilities enable operators to monitor at scale and identify trends over time. Additionally, 通过遵守相关的合规规定, 组织可以维护其法律和声誉地位.


TAG正在演示, in real time, how dashboards are easily built and customized with well-known open toolsets like Kibana, Grafana, and Kafka to address any level of detail and show users how to maximize the full extent of their data and gain invaluable insight from TAG’s Realtime Media Platform.


TAG’s end-to-end HDR workflow capabilities are being shown with both HDR up-conversion and down-conversion to facilitate combined SDR and HDR workflows. This increase in functionality supports deep real-time HDR end-to-end metadata monitoring providing users with a higher level of agility to achieve incredible HDR quality.

Elevating the Workflow Eco-System with Best-of-Breed Technology Partners - Integration Demos

提供最优质的服务, 最新的技术进步, and viable options for business advancement come to life on the show floor as the company presents integrations with best-of-breed technology partners.

Amagi - TAG’s recent partnership with Amagi delivers more accurate and effective monitoring through TAG’s advanced all-software and cloud native technology. This integration implements TAG’s monitoring by exception capabilities and leverages its easy-to-use APIs to efficiently monitor and control a substantial number of channels enhancing the reliability of Amagi’s FAST and broadcast streams.

Dataminer - Support for TAG’s platform has been integrated into Skyline’s Dataminer media management platform. This integration simplifies deployment and configuration and increases end-to-end visibility, automation, 以及大型TAG装置的用户控制. Operators benefit from simultaneous insight into the status of their infrastructure from Dataminer, along with insight into the health of their content and live streams from TAG.

QoE at Scale with advanced algorithms- Structural Similarity Index Measure

基于TAG独有的内容匹配技术, 该公司现在支持直截了当, perception based QoE measures like Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). TAG users will be able to numerically compare the video quality before and after the encoder or between any two points in the workflow, 即使是最复杂的, 基于SSIM智能算法的高噪视频.

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TAG视频系统 is the global leader in software-based integrated IP probing, monitoring, 可视化和分析解决方案. TAG使广播商, 内容创造者, 以及服务提供商精简运营, 突破了IP媒体工作流程的复杂性, and keep infrastructures ahead of shifting technology and demand with Zero Friction® agility. The TAG platform empowers users with innovative toolsets to ensure video quality, 提高所有媒体工作流程的整体效率, 并提供宝贵的业务和运营见解.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://tagvs.com


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