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RhythmOne PLC收购YuMe公司.创建最大的独立数字视频广告市场之一

合并后的实体将提供一个完全整合的, 端到端在线广告解决方案, 推动广告的效率和效果


RhythmOne plc (LSE AIM: RTHM) today announced that that it has entered into a definitive agreement with YuMe, 公司. (NYSE: YUME) to acquire all its issued and to be issued share capital for a total consideration of approximately US $185M based on current exchange rates. 该交易预计将于2018年第一季度完成.

The combination of YuMe and RhythmOne will bring together demand-side and supply-side strengths in the fast growing segments of mobile, video, 连接电视(“CTV”)和程序化交易. The combined marketplace is anticipated to be a top five comScore ranked marketplace that will facilitate seamless, 成千上万的广告商和大量的品牌安全库存之间的透明联系. RhythmOne平台是专门为满足广泛的活动目标而构建的, 为品牌和演出活动提供交钥匙解决方案. 此外, 该平台将为广告主提供一个可信的, 规模和独立的选择,根深蒂固的玩家.

“Acquiring YuMe accelerates RhythmOne’s strategy to build a 统一编程平台 with unique audiences of differentiated quality at scale,泰德·黑斯廷斯说, 首席执行官, RhythmOne. “通过YuMe, RhythmOne获得了包括新兴市场在内的优质视频供应, 高价值联网电视库存, 独特的客户洞察, 跨屏定位技术,建立需求关系. 我们相信这一组合将为RhythmOne提供百家乐软件, 关系和人才为股东创造价值, 这是真正的投资回报.”

“The future of brand advertising is connected; connecting buyers to premium inventory, 连接屏幕以提供统一的跨屏幕广告, 将活动与品牌目标联系起来,最重要的是, 把最好的技术相互结合起来,产生一个大于其部分的总和,保罗·波里尼说, 首席执行官, YuMe. “我们为我们在YuMe建立的业务感到自豪, and our success in delivering innovative technologies that have helped our clients achieve their marketing goals. 在一起, RhythmOne and YuMe have an opportunity to transform digital advertising with an adaptive platform that connects premium demand and supply with efficiency and performance at its core.”

“合并后的公司将拥有强大的财务状况,提供坚实的基础, 可扩展的基础上,加速增长和盈利能力,埃里克·辛格说, YuMe董事长. “在对战略选择进行全面评估之后, the YuMe board concluded that the combination with RhythmOne is in the best interest of all stockholders. This combination will provide immediate scale and will allow us to build upon the significant financial improvements underway in both companies. I look forward to serving the stockholders as chairman of the combined company upon closing and to guiding the team in realizing the combined company’s mission.”


需求领导者与供应领导者配对. YuMe的优势在于品牌使用的需求端软件和服务, 代理机构及交易平台, 一个健壮的, 第一方数据管理和定位平台以及全球编程能力. RhythmOne’s strengths are primarily focused on the supply-side as well as programmatic platform capabilities represented by its multi-channel, 多格式AD交换, 借此,广告商和代理商可以达到目标, 大规模参与的受众. YuMe’s strong relationships with agencies and brands and its demand side platform complement RhythmOne’s robust, 统一编程平台.

规模的好处. 根据 eMarketer2016年,数字广告支出首次超过电视广告支出. 广告商希望从数字媒体中获得他们之前在电视上体验到的价值和规模. RhythmOne’s acquisition of YuMe will create a combined organization with one of the largest cross-device supply footprints in the industry. 通过添加两家公司的comScore数据, 合并后的实体每月独立访问量将达到约2.2亿. 而不是与零星的精品供应商打交道, 广告商将能够通过单一来源来满足他们的广告目标.

全面的数据洞察. YuMe已经建立了一个强大的, first-party data management and targeting platform that provides unique insights for brand advertising campaigns. RhythmOne的分析, data management platform and top-ranked brand safety technology provide transparency and drive results for performance-based campaigns. 统一, 专有数据集, 通过机器学习算法增强, will enable the combined company to successfully deliver against a broad range of advertising objectives. The data will also offer significant insight for publishers looking to derive additional value from their audiences.

人才. RhythmOne和YuMe有两个经验, 与合并后公司的愿景明确一致的终身团队. These teams will directly benefit from operating a broader platform with greater revenue scale on a significantly stronger financial foundation.

粘连的. RhythmOne anticipates the transaction to be accretive in the first full year of ownership and believes that the acquisition represents an attractive opportunity to achieve savings of approximately US$10-12M per annum (before tax) across the combined businesses from functional redundancies, 重复的供应商关系和上市公司成本. 此外, increased scale is likely to improve gross margin as a result of operating leverage and there may also be potential for revenue synergies.


RhythmOne首席执行官特德·黑斯廷斯(Ted Hastings)将继续担任合并后公司的总裁兼首席执行官. 另外, YuMe将在新成立的董事会中任命两名董事, 埃里克·辛格就是其中之一, 谁将成为董事会主席.



YuMe的董事、管理人员和股东拥有超过10%的YuMe股份, 以及它们各自的分支机构, 谁持有大约31个.已发行YuMe股份的6%, 是否已签署招标和支持协议,同意投标其份额而不提供, 出售, grant any option to purchase or otherwise dispose of any RhythmOne shares received by them for a period of six months from closing of the transaction.

The acquisition is conditional on YuMe stockholders tendering at least a majority of the issued and outstanding YuMe shares. The acquisition is also subject to other conditions customary for transactions of this nature and requires clearance by the relevant competition authority, including the expiration or termination of the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976. RhythmOne will register the shares offered to YuMe stockholders with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.



Numis Securities Limited is serving as financial advisor to RhythmOne and Torys LLP is serving as legal counsel to RhythmOne. Deutsche Bank is serving as financial advisor to YuMe and Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP is serving as legal counsel to YuMe.


RhythmOne is a technology-enabled digital media company that connects online audiences with brands through premium content across devices. 2004年成立于英国, RhythmOne开创了互联网视频搜索的先河,并与数字广告商合作, 出版商和内容提供商提供完全集成, 跨桌面和移动视频的跨屏幕解决方案, 富媒体, 显示, 社交和本地广告, 内容格式. 通过其完全整合的程序化平台, RhythmOneMax, RhythmOne提供跨国有的数字广告目录, 控制和扩展供应来源. RhythmOneMax平台包括独特的品牌安全技术, RhythmOneGuard, which combines leading third-party verification and proprietary filtering technologies to ensure inventory quality in brand safe environments. RhythmOne’s goal is to maximize the return on advertising spend and provide the most efficient and effective marketplace for digital advertising. RhythmOne总部位于美国旧金山,在美国、英国和加拿大设有办事处. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.RhythmOne.com.