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詹妮弗•洛佩兹, 尼基•米纳什 和 奥利维亚罗德里戈 Have Launched Fan Channels on Stationhead Powered by 凤凰

Stationhead leverages 凤凰’s real-time audio technology to stream custom, interactive artist 和 fan channels to over 15 million people around the world


凤凰, 领先的可扩展平台, 实时音频和视频流, is providing the back-end technology for Stationhead, Gen-z's largest social music streaming service, to deliver custom fan channels for a number of major artists including 詹妮弗•洛佩兹, 尼基·米娜雅一起作为颁奖嘉宾, 奥利维亚罗德里戈, 碧昂斯和蕾安娜.  By leveraging 凤凰’s real-time audio streaming technology, fans can listen to the best music from the most popular artists in the world, build communities around their favorite artists, 和 even interact directly with them in real-time. Interactive listening parties are the next generation of music consumption.

The Stationhead app syncs songs for every listener regardless of their music service, enables artists 和 fans to broadcast their own messaging, 和 permits each station to have up to 4 real-time audio participants. It is a place where fans can connect to listen to their favorite artists 和 where artists can mobilize their fans around new album releases to increase engagement, 流量和销售额. 例如, Beyonce’s Beyhive channel on Stationhead accounted for over 15% of her first week sales for her #1 single, 德州扑克.

“Thanks to 凤凰’s unique audio streaming technology, 粉丝可以听音乐, 围绕共同的兴趣建立社区, 和 interact with their favorite artists all in real-time. Stationhead has evolved the digital music experience to better empower the emotion, 激情, 社区是粉丝圈的核心.” Ryan Star, Chief Executive Officer, Stationhead

每时每刻, 凤凰播放有价值的音乐, 体育, 电子竞技, 和 live content to millions of fans worldwide. 凤凰 enables Stationhead to deliver its audio stations with less than ½ second of end-to-end latency. By incorporating 凤凰’s real-time streaming technology, running on best-in-class global infrastructure, 谷歌云, Stationhead gains a competitive advantage in the marketplace by offering fans access to the streams in real-time.

 “与Stationhead合作, one of the most unique apps in the marketplace, 和 seeing their growth from their early days as our second client until now, is a testament to their desire to become the future of social music listening. Attracting such artists as 詹妮弗•洛佩兹 和 Beyonce proves that they have accomplished that goal.” Roy Reichbach, Chief Executive Officer, 凤凰.  



Stationhead是粉丝生活的地方. It is a community streaming platform that enables artists 和 fans to connect, 听住, 一起流. 在全球拥有超过1500万用户, Stationhead has become the world’s largest f和om focused community platform. 尼基•米纳什, 詹妮弗•洛佩兹, 布鲁诺火星, 想象龙, 和 many more have all used Stationhead to engage with fans 和 build community around their music. Stationhead has redefined what it means to release music 和 build f和om in the digital world. The company’s mission is to evolve the digital music experience to empower community, 激情, 情感是狂热的核心.



As the leader in delivering interactive video at scale, 凤凰 powers innovative digital experiences that drive acquisition, engagement 和 retention for some of the world’s biggest br和s. Its patented technology is essential for delivering content in real-time that engages audiences with interactive experiences 和 generates revenue for music, 体育books, 体育 和 gaming properties as well as broadcasters with 实时音频和视频流 to global audiences at broadcast scale. Trusted with streaming video for world-class events like The Oscars, 切尔滕纳姆节和超级碗, 凤凰 brings proven experience delivering video to hundreds of thous和s of concurrent viewers for the world’s largest events.

凤凰 is headquartered in 芝加哥, with offices in San Diego, Miami Beach 和 Zurich. 欲了解更多信息,请访问凤凰 网站 或者跟随他们 推特LinkedIn.