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AWS to showcase live broadcast workflows, generative AI, more at NAB 2024

随着全美广播协会(NAB)节目重返拉斯维加斯, 内华达州4月13日至17日, 2024, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)充分体现了展会的宗旨, “Where Content Comes to Life”,的视频,现场进行云计算的新闻制作演示


作为全国广播协会(NAB)演出将回到拉斯维加斯, 内华达州4月13日至17日, 2024, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)充分体现了展会的宗旨, “Where Content Comes to Life”,的视频,现场进行云计算的新闻制作演示n in collaboration with NVIDIA. 面向媒体和娱乐的AWS (M&E)解决方案,使客户能够创造, 交付, 和货币化内容也将在AWS展位(西厅)展出, W1701)在拉斯维加斯会议中心(LVCC)和整个展会, including more than 30 generative artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrations.

AWS at NAB 2024 highlights follow, with more to roll out in the coming weeks on the AWS NAB 2024事件页面,您也可以在NAB与AWS M预约会议&E专家.


2024年,AWS将在NAB期间运行基于云的新闻直播. 每天都以一小时的“早上好,NAB”开始!的节目,节目将像新闻节目一样编排. The broadcast setup will include a production set with a news desk and cameras in the West Hall lobby of the LVCC and a Production Control Room in the AWS booth (W1701) that attendees can visit. Vision and audio mixing will be done on site in the Production Control Room; graphics overlay, 编辑, other tasks will be done remotely to highlight the geo-diverse crewing possibilities of Live Cloud Production (LCP) on AWS using NVIDIA GPU-backed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) G4 and G5 instances. 除了NVIDIA, 其他几家AWS合作伙伴也为此次激活做出了贡献, 包括AP ENPS, 罗斯视频, 目的联盟, LiveU, Haivision, CaptionHub, 紫溪, α, 青砥, 和鱼.

NAB Show LIVE可以在AWS展台观看, 在NAB Show网站上, 并在会议厅的特定屏幕上播放. Live broadcasts will also be conducted from the show floor by roving reporters.


4月15日星期一,上午11:30 -12:30. 马特·伍德, AWS人工智能产品副总裁和Julie Souza, 全球领导者, 策略性业务发展, AWS的体育, 加入Aaron Amendolia, NFL副首席信息官, 斯科特·古特曼, 美巡赛数字运营高级副总裁, for an AI-centric discussion moderated by Thursday Night Football’s Kaylee Hartung.

AWS NAB展位体验 

回到西厅的双层布局, the AWS NAB booth space has grown to accommodate a new “Builder Zone” where attendees can connect with experts from AWS service teams to help build bespoke solutions for M&E挑战. 展位将提供针对应用的演示,包括:

广播 & 〇现场制作 除了“NAB秀直播”编辑室中的云节目外,直播 & 现场生产演示包括体育赛事的LCP, 用于自动部署的基础设施即代码, streamlined playout and master control management to optimize distribution strategies using AWS Elemental solutions, 与ISV技术一起,旨在交付ATSC 3.0和提高监测/观察能力.

货币化, Monetization demonstrations include converged TV ad sales in local and national markets; unified measurement solutions to enable alternate currencies; next-gen ad formats including virtual product placement and shoppable video; self-service privacy-enhanced data collaboration in AWS Clean Rooms; customer data solutions for finding, 激活, retaining audience; generative AI for ad creative generation and moderation, 上下文广告, deriving audience insights; and integrations with Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), Amazon Publisher Cloud (APS), AMC +亚马逊需求侧平台(ADSP)整合, 和Amazon Anywhere.

直接面向消费者, Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) demonstrations include end-to-end 交付y capabilities, 个性化的体验, 大规模服务器端广告插入(SSAI), 体育流, 云DVR集成, 自动多语言字幕, 采用AWS Elemental mediapackv2的低延迟交付, 流媒体视频的交互式增强, 综合监控 & 可观察性. 另外, live streaming with dynamic SSAI using live produced news content; video on-demand (VOD) programming options; personalized free ad-supported television (FAST) from VOD assets; 综合监控 and 可观察性 will be showcased for newsrooms in the cloud.

媒体供应链 & 存档, 媒体供应链 & Archive (MSCA) demonstrations highlight how customers can save money and create value from the content. Use cases include packaged file-based content (such as sports highlights) for live-to-air, 实时摄食VOD/FAST, 以及基于人工智能的内容总结(体育结果). 新闻编辑室的演示将包括工作流自动化, 智能质量控制, 剪切/编辑, 归档文件的搜索, 店面(资产货币化), 和AI音频分割. 其他演示包括供应链编排, 使用生成式AI进行配音和定位, 分析可视化, 权限管理, 资产管理, 包装/配送.

数据科学 & 分析- - - - - - 数据科学 & 分析(DSA)演示将强调如何构建数据, 分析, AI-enabled media workflows can enhance the viewer experience and streamline live production, 以及视频内容的分析和总结. DSA solutions applicable to the “newsroom in the cloud” include contextual search for real-time news, 实时新闻的上下文广告, 以及人工智能驱动的新闻摘要. 大多数DSA演示都具有生成式AI功能, 包括媒体情报, 个性化, 以及资产生成/转换.

〇内容制作 Content Production demonstrations create a holistic studio in the cloud composed of generative AI-assisted virtual production using Unreal Engine and Cuebric, featuring Wacom Tablets; VFX and rendering featuring Foundry’s Nuke and SideFX’s Houdini; 编辑 in the cloud with real-time video preview using Adobe Premiere and Streambox, 使用Frame进行生产资产管理.io; and cloud studio management using Leostream and Qumulo. This workflow will showcase the making of a 90-second movie trailer from start to finish for the (faux) upcoming sci-fi/comedy film “Cowgirls on the Moon”, 这将在“早安NAB ?!”

The AWS Builder Zone will feature AWS services for AWS Elemental, Storage, Edge Computing, AI/ML. 建造者区包括一个“生成式人工智能游乐场” 亚马逊的基石亚马逊问Partyrock (an 亚马逊的基石 Playground) will be featured to further educate attendees on AWS’s generative AI capabilities, 产品, 和差异.


毗邻AWS西馆展位, W1343, 访问者可以方便地与AWS合作伙伴互动, 参加学习班, enjoy a spacious theater that provides a venue for presentations by AWS customers and partners as well as M&E行业专家.

AWS合作伙伴村和学习休息室将以Amagi为特色, Anypoint媒体, 弧XP, Ateliere, 基岩流, CSG, Datazoom, EPAM, GlobalLogic, 想象通信, IMDb, Irdeto, JW球员, M2A, MASV, Merapar, Stringr, 标签纸, 和Veritone.


在上南大厅, NAB attendees can step into the tee box of some of golf’s most iconic courses with Full Swing, 美巡赛的官方模拟器合作伙伴. Full Swing’s technology 交付s a realistic off-the-course experience showing your real ball flight, 由AWS提供支持. 在完善他们的挥杆之后, 参与者可以使用AWS生成式人工智能工具设计他们梦想中的高尔夫球场, 然后带着定制的高尔夫海报离开. 点击SU3126查看.


4月16日星期二,AWS赞助了“#GALSNGEAR CONNECT”活动. The half-day program and hands-on experience is designed to help participants level up their career journeys and build their professional brands in media and entertainment. Samira Bakhtiar,媒体总经理 & AWS的娱乐、游戏和体育部门将发表开幕主题演讲. 更多详情请浏览 注册页面.


AWS作为第二部分的赞助商返回 奖励计划 识别个体, 公司, 产品, services for outstanding innovations that demonstrate significant sustainable impact, 促进经济社会发展. Winners will be announced and honored at a ceremony on the Main Stage, Sunday April 14. 颁奖典礼将包括一个小组讨论, 以及NAB和AWS向慈善机构的捐款介绍.

请继续关注最新消息 AWS在NAB 2024活动页面 关于更多的演示、演讲和其他活动.