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AJA揭示NAB 2024之前的产品更新

4K/UltraHD down-conversion and AMF support for ColorBox, BBC HLG LUTs v1.7 for FS-HDR and ColorBox, SRT bonding for 桥活, 和更多的 help M&专业AV团队利用新兴的工作流


加利福尼亚州格拉斯谷(2024年4月10日)- AJA视频系统 今天 announced significant enhancements across some of its most popular solutions for 广播, 生产, 帖子, 和AV专业人士, 包括 一个新的功能包v2.1软件更新其ColorBox解决方案 for color managed workflows, available as 免费下载 今天. 在NAB展览上展出, 4月14日至17日, 2024, in the AJA booth (SL3065) at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the new releases are inspired by customer feedback and designed to help professionals keep pace with evolving standards, 格式, 协议, 和编解码器, 简化工作流程.

AJA总裁Nick Rashby说, “从色彩管理到流媒体, IP视频, 数据管理, 及以后, 媒体制作流程正在快速发展, and our goal is to make sure customers can take advantage of the latest technologies quickly and with greater cost-efficiency to improve their day-to-day operations. Our latest innovations bring new capabilities that give users more flexibility to focus on what matters most in the field – reliably delivering quality content.”  

ColorBox v2.1

是高质量的, color management and monitoring become a 生产-standard across film, 情景, 广播, 现场活动环境, AJA is announcing a feature-rich update to its powerful AJA ColorBox 设备的实时色彩管理工作流程. ColorBox v2.1 introduces several new features and improvements inspired by customer input that support emerging workflows – from 4K/UltraHD down-conversion and 4K/2K cropping to new ACES Metadata File (AMF) support, ARRI Wireless Video Optimized LogC4 (WVO) compatibility, 和更多的. AJA ColorBox v2.1 .软件有 免费下载 今天. 为设备建立另一层信心, AJA also announced that ColorBox and Pomfort’s Livegrade have been recognized as the first recipients of joint logo product certification status by the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES).

FS-HDR v4.3

使用FS-HDR v4.3固件, AJA’s real-time HDR/WCG converter and frame synchronizer will include the latest BBC HLG LUTs v1.7, as well as new motion adaptive deinterlacer and channel-to-channel HFR sync controls. 更新BBC HLG LUTs v1.7 bring updates to LUT 9 for improved re生产 of bright saturated colors and LUT 21, 它提供更宽的色域SDR输出. A new motion adaptive deinterlacer control improves performance with some interlaced video containing fast motion by adjusting the amount of motion adaptation used. AJA has also updated channel-to-channel HFR sync control to be user-configurable, so it can be easily turned on or off depending on 生产 needs. FS-HDR v4.3将在2024年第二季度作为免费更新发布.

桥活 v1.16 

AJA will showcase advancements for 桥活, the IP视频 workflow 多路转换器 用于远程生产, 双向的采访, 活动直播, 与HDR同步多凸轮回程. 它还支持云贡献, 程序返回, 信心监测, 协作生产, and generation of ABR ladder profiles to hand off for OTT packaging. 包括SRT绑定在内的增强功能, AAC-HE - v2编解码, 20位杜比E直通, and other additions that give users more flexibility in the field, 桥活 v1.16将在2024年第二季度提供下载. It is free to customers with current maintenance agreements, 所有用户都可以免费获得错误修复.

AJA桌面 软件15,17.1 

Releasing in Q2 2024 as 免费下载able update, AJA桌面 v17.1 software for AJA KONA, Io, and T-TAP products delivers new capabilities, 包括 the ability to pass metadata such as SCTE-104, 杜比的愿景, 字幕, 和SMPTE时间码. The release also adds support for Thunderbolt™ on Linux.

FS4 v3.1

Many user-inspired improvements are included in the v3.1 firmware release for AJA’s FS4 four-channel 2K/HD/SD or single-channel 4K/UltraHD frame synchronizer and up/down/cross-converter. 随着更新, 客户可以享受到强大的增强功能, such as motion adaptive deinterlacing control and improved, 用户可配置通道到通道HFR同步控制. FS4 v3.1 will be available in Q2 2024 as 免费下载able update.

直升机+ v2.1 

直升机+ H的免费固件更新.264 streaming and recording device features a new SRT Stream ID parameter to Caller mode, 添加SRT侦听器模式作为用户选择, a view of the B-frame setting of each encoder in the status page, 和更多的. 它将在2024年第二季度免费下载. 

Diskover媒体版 v2.2.3

新功能, 插件, and enhancements for AJA Diskover媒体版 数据管理 and curation software round out AJA’s NAB announcements. 现在可用,AJA Diskover媒体版v2.2.3 delivers an enriched metadata catalog via a new arrival date attribute, a plug-in for Autodesk’s popular Flow Production Tracking creative project management software (previously ShotGrid), 还有许多其他有用的新导航, 主机感知的文件操作, 任务面板, and analytics improvements designed to streamline workflows. 在可用性, users can also set up a trial of the software in minutes using an OVA (open virtual appliance). 

Learn more about AJA’s latest product releases and updates via AJA’s 什么是新页面,并参观AJA NAB展位(SL3065).