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Pay TV 订阅rs Are Growing, But Revenues Are Falling Fast


Pay TV providers are seeing strong growth globally, but that doesn’t mean business is good. According to 数码电视研究, the number of pay TV subscribers will grow by 380 million from 2010 to 2024. 与此同时, 然而, total revenues (for subscription services and transactional purchases) will fall by 14% to $177 billion. That means revenue for 2024 will be at the same level that it was in 2010.

新闻1Pay TV revenue peaked at $205 billion in 2016. So why is revenue declining as subscriber numbers grow? Because that growth is coming from less-developed areas, where services go for less money.

“订阅r growth is mainly in developing countries where ARPU is lower than the developed countries,西蒙·默里解释道。, principal analyst at 数码电视研究. "In addition, subs are moving away from standalone packages to double-play and triple-play bundles. Standalone packages are more lucrative to TV.”

数码电视研究 looked at pay TV services in 138 countries.

Of pay TV's 10 most lucrative countries, 8 will show revenue declines between 2018 and 2024. 美国.S. will lead with a 22%—or $21 billion—decline. 在美国.S., pay TV revenue peaked in 2015 at $106 billion. 到2024年,美国将.S. market will be worth $76 billion.

为了强劲增长, pay TV should look to India, which will gain $1 billion in revenue between 2018 and 2024, 涨到6美元.30亿市场.

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