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Video: What Are the Key Features of CMAF?

Learn more about CMAF at Streaming Media's next event.

Watch John Gainfort's complete presentation, VES 102. Deploying CMAF in 2019, in the Streaming Media Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

John Gainfort: What are the key features of CMAF? 它允许跨不同清单的统一段,并提供了一些改进您的RAM.

First, let's talk about some unified segments. 以前,当您对内容进行编码和打包时,您有一个用于HLS和DASH的包. HLS was using MPEG-2 TS container formats. DASH was using its own MP4 format. 所以你必须有两个独立的片段,然后同时存储这两个片段.

Now, with CMAF, 你可以为HLS和DASH打包相同的部分, 你只需要存储一段而不是两段. If you were utilizing both HLS and DASH player, now you can keep doing that, 或者你可以换一个,然后统一起来.

统一的细分降低了与编码、包装和存储相关的生产成本. That's a big key benefit. 它可以显著提高CDN缓存效率,特别是对于实时视频流. 它为内容和设备定义额外的一致性点添加了基础,而不考虑清单协议, 我最喜欢的是它为行业合作提供了共同点.

值得注意的是,如果使用HLS,则需要指定版本6及以上. Some players like ExoPlayer, HLS, JS Bitmovin, they probably won't care about this version, but then if you plan to use Safari, AVPlayer--so, 任何苹果的东西——他们非常严格,他们确实要求设置这个版本.

Moving on to some DRM, CMAF提供的DRM是跨平台和媒体格式兼容性,所以现在CMAF将由AVPlayer开箱即用的支持, ExoPlayer, and Safari. It allows for single encoding and encryption. This is because of common encryption.

正如我之前提到的,使用CMAF,我们不需要在客户端进行传输. 因此,当涉及到DRM时,我们现在可以用CMAF做的是一个单一的打包工作流, and single-pack publishing.

Let's look at some quick terminology. I'm going to stay to the two highlighted ones. We have common encryption AES-CTR, which I'm going to refer to as CENC, and we have CENC at the bottom, AES-CBC Pattern or CBCS.

The big challenge is CBCS compatibility. CBCS is being utilized by Apple so Apple FairPlay, 所有主流浏览器都开始支持CBCS. 虽然CBCS目前还不能在Firefox上工作,但是在不久的将来会实现. It's working in Safari, it's working in Chrome, and a few other major browsers, but CBCS is also not supported in Edge. However, 随着他们推出基于chrome的新浏览器,这种情况将会改变,该浏览器目前正处于测试阶段. 我们期待在明年发布.

As mentioned earlier, CMAF does not allow mixed audio, 这意味着音频和视频版本都需要解密,并且可能对音频和视频都有不同的解密密钥,因此您可以增强一些解密DRM功能.

一个主要的挑战是开源播放器的可用性是有限的. 目前,Shocka Player不支持Play Ready或FairPlay. HLS-JS doesn't currently support any DRM. However, 我们与HLS-JS有一个公开的公关,将Widevine纳入他们的平台, 但这两个平台都有其他人提供, or doing ongoing efforts to support this.

So what are the options right now? 我们正在争取的一件事是为维德瓦恩准备两份带有两个片段加密的清单. 所以我们的目标是CBCS,这样我们就可以支持苹果、安卓、Roku、Chrome和Safari. 但随后使用CTO(或CENC)来支持Firefox和Edge,随着越来越多的浏览器适应CBCS,我们的目标是向CBCS迈进. 如果你使用的是Android,你需要瞄准较旧的Android设备, 你需要坚持使用CENC,因为CBCS直到7点才被引入.0.

另一个选择是你可以为你的玩家设置自己的工作流程, using EME, or Encrypted Media Extensions. EME的设计是为了在任何浏览器中启用相同的应用程序和加密的文件sku, regardless of the underlying protection scheme. 您可以使用任何需要使用的模式在任何浏览器中加密一次并解密. So for Safari you can use FairPlay; Edge, PlayReady; Chrome and Firefox, Widevine. 这使您能够为社区做出贡献,因为我们使用的是通用格式.

Here's a quick support matrix. CBCS在FairPlay, PlayReady和Widevine之间得到全面支持. However, 至于Edge,我们只能等到他们新的基于chrome的浏览器推出, and for Firefox, it's supported now, 但我不能确切地告诉你哪个版本开始支持它. For CENC, Apple devices--so your iOS, your TVS-- will not support CTR, and Safari devices will not support it either.

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