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Video: Is CMAF the One Packaging Format to Rule Them All?

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观看完整的面板, T104. 包装策略的前沿,在… 流媒体会议视频门户.


大卫·赛义德: Being pragmatic, you know, it's going to depend on devices aging out. Customers are going to want to deliver content to all of the devices they need to support. That tends to depend on the geographies that they're serving, and there are definitely going to be some devices out there that aren't able to consume CMAF content and so they will continue to need non-CMAF formats. 然而, 我想这里的每个人都一样, being that we're seeing a groundswell of interest in CMAF because people delivering media at scale see the economies of scale that CMAF is actually able to provide, especially in terms of having to deal with the multiple DRM formats because, 通常, 如果你面对的是高端媒体, premium content that needs to be encrypted with different DRM formats that need to be native for the specific device for power efficiency and performance and so on, 有时还有授权内容, 许可要求. CMAF确实有助于解决这个问题. 再一次。, 在适当的时候, with the different encryption specifications that Will just mentioned earlier. CMAF, 我认为, 会成为主流格式吗, but depending on the customer that we're talking to, some of those customers will continue to need the more legacy formats that exist today.

大卫Heppe: 我认为 it's a super good thing for the industry. It's going to help drive cost down, make things more operationally efficient. 戴着我的商务帽, I kind of shed a tear a bit because we made a little bit of money on packaging over the years and that need is not going away immediately, 正如大卫所说, 但它将受到抑制. 我认为 CMAF just makes a lot more sense functionally and it's the right direction for the industry to go.

将法律: 我认为 we're naive if we're thinking CMAF is gonna take away all need to prepare some strange derivative. 我们会永远记住的. Because there are codecs, and in Silicon Valley you can do CMAF all day of this week. 但是在巴西? 这几年都不会发生. You got a lot of old TVs, they all love Smooth, actually. 平滑是巴西最大的格式之一. So there's a lot of regional requirements to prepare things. You can never--people come to me and say, "CMAF's not working because the world's not 100% on it.“永远不会那样. 如果它能覆盖全球80%的人口, 这是一场胜利, 这就是最好的结果了, because after that we're go into codec diversity. Now we start making silos of stuff all over again. We're never gonna get down to one copy for everyone.

大卫·赛义德: 如果我能加上, 我认为 that's one of the areas where dynamic packaging, 再加上, potentially technologies like device detection actually end up being interesting because with device detection you could then determine, “好吧, 这个设备正在请求我的内容, it's a legacy iPhone that only can play back an older version of HLS but I need to be able deliver my content with the original English language but also French subtitles and maybe English subtitles as well.“伟大的. How do I do that in that older format version of HLS? Well, I need to package for that particular device. And so having the ability to dynamically do that, 特别是如果内容是长尾的, and be able to provide the specific format that that device actually requires is very helpful in terms of securing device coverages, 覆盖范围, 例如, 真正需要的.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How to Produce CMAF Output and Testing Playback

CMAF已经成熟. Here's one way to go about using it, with AWS Elemental MediaConvert

The State of CMAF: The Holy Grail or Just Another Format?

这是会议上的热门话题, but deployment challenges mean CMAF hasn't taken over the streaming world yet. 这就是为什么它得到了如此多的关注.

Video: 是什么 the Role of Packaging in Streaming Delivery?

Microsoft's David Sayed and Akamai's Will Law discuss chunking and the advantages of decoupling encoding or transcoding from packaging in this clip from 流媒体 East 2019.


RealEyes Media Development Manager John Gainfort discusses CDN scaling, 分块编码, and their future impact on latency in this clip from his Video Engineering Summit presentation at 流媒体 East 2019.


RealEyes Media Development Manager John Gainfort notes key benefits of CMAF, from improved cache efficiency to providing common ground for industry cooperation in this clip from his Video Engineering Summit presentation at 流媒体 East 2019.


NexTreams Multimedia Systems Architect Iraj Sodagar explains the purpose of Common Media Application Format (CMAF) development for attendees at the Video Engineering Summit at 流媒体 West.


NexTreams Multimedia Systems Architect Iraj Sodagar defines the Common Media Application Format (CMAF) for attendees at the Video Engineering Summit at 流媒体 West.