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Video: How Would an End to Net Neutrality Impact Latency?

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Watch the complete panel discussion, 延迟了! So What Can You Do 关于 It?,从 在线直播 Summit.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

蒂姆Siglin: What are the potential latency impacts with something like net neutrality?

拉斯汉姆: We view that as just a horrific discussion. We built the network to be, we take a packet and deliver it to him as fast as we can. The idea of having special toll roads to deliver this is abhorrent. We would never do such a thing. However, there are those who are hell-bent on charging money to deliver your content quicker. We have no way of looking at anybody's deep packet inspection and we have no intention of ever doing so.

蒂姆Siglin: In Europe, it's different. DPI is banned, so there's not really an issue there. You've worked for large companies. Any take on net neutrality at this point or is that too hot a topic?

丹尼尔·桑德斯: I’ve been too busy trying to shave latency off of our video to read all our lawyer's memos about what to say when somebody asks us about net neutrality.

蒂姆Siglin:           What are the potential latency impacts with something like net neutrality?

拉斯汉姆:           We view that as just a horrific discussion. We built the network to be, we take a packet and deliver it to him as fast as we can. The idea of having special toll roads to deliver this is abhorrent. We would never do such a thing. However, there are those who are hell-bent on charging money to deliver your content quicker. We have no way of looking at anybody's deep packet inspection and we have no intention of ever doing so.

蒂姆Siglin:           In Europe, it's different. DPI is banned, so there's not really an issue there. You've worked for large companies. Any take on net neutrality at this point or is that too hot a topic?

丹尼尔·桑德斯:  I’ve been too busy trying to shave latency off of our video to read all our lawyer's memos about what to say when somebody asks us about net neutrality.

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