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Video: How Microservices Succeed and Fail

Learn more about microservices and OTT at 流媒体的下一个事件.

Watch the complete video of this panel from the OTT领导力峰会 在流媒体西部, OTT102. OTT Moves Toward Microservices, in the 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

马克拉塞尔: Microservices live in an ecosystem. If you don't have the whole ecosystem, the microservice is just a unit of packaging, 某些已定义的服务. If that's not built as a 12-factor app, where you've really paid attention to your APIs, you have automation in terms of how the product is built, 以及如何进行测试, 以及它是如何部署的. If you don't have that notion of continuous deployment and evolution built into the concept of your product, then microservices is sort of an uninteresting thing to deal with.

一旦你到了那里, then you find out very quickly how you're going to get yourself messed up if you just take a monolith and stick it in a container and try to float it. You can't deal with the monoliths in a continuous evolution fashion. You'll quickly come to grief with that, and you'll find you have to start to split it up.

We live with a foot in both worlds. Sometimes I think we have one and a half feet in one, and then a half a foot in another. Our broadcast and operator customers have a lot of legacy, 我们尊重这一传统, and we're trying to bridge that world between a legacy that we're an honored part of, and then trying to bring them to, evolve into sort of a new space, 这很难做到吗.

So you get a lot of bending of the rules, if you like, when you're doing that. But you're doing that in the service of trying to do something good at the end of the day.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Moving from Monoliths to Microservices

StackPath's Nathan Moore and EZDRM's Olga Kornienko explain the process and benefits of monolith-to-microservice transition, such as identifying points of failure, in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.

Microservices vs. Containers in Streaming Deployment

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Key Benefits of Microservices

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How Netflix is Moving Toward Microservices

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How Microservices Benefit Broadcasters

Imagine Communications' Mark Myslinski and Bitmovin's Paul MacDougall discuss advantages if microservices for broadcast applications such as agility and scalability in this clip from their OTT领导力峰会 panel at 流媒体 East 2019.

Video: How to Use Microservices to Get Data Out Quickly

Limelight Networks VP Product Strategy Steve Miller-Jones discusses strategies for quick video cache-clearing in this clip from a panel at the OTT领导力峰会 at 流媒体 West.

Video: Challenges of Microservice Architecture Development

MediaKind chief technology and strategy officer Mark Russell discusses microservice software development in this clip from his panel at the OTT领导力峰会 at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: MediaKind's Mark Russell Talks Microservices

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews MediaKind CTO & Head of Strategy Mark Russell at 流媒体 West 2018.

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