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了解更多关于新兴编解码器的信息 流媒体的下一个事件.

观看这个小组的完整视频, DT102A: Managing Transition to HEVC/VP9/AV1 with Multi-Codec Streaming,在流媒体会议视频门户.


保罗MacDougall: Some of the challenges that you're going to run into on this are particularly relevant on the encoding side. 很多这些下一代编解码器都很难编码. AV1, in particular, is extremely challenging to encode, although it's getting much more efficient. 举个例子,我们在Bitmovin做了一个AV1的直播.5 megabit a little over a year ago, and that took 200 cores to do that in real-time. It's not an architecture that you can really deploy in a modern environment, 但这种情况正在显著改善. 我们最近也将其降至32核, and that's going to continue to move down even further as the codec becomes really finalized, 它真的可以被优化.

澄清一下, 那200核是早期版本的编解码器, 它有很多调试代码, 事实并非如此, 无论如何, 这是一款面向市场的产品. We are getting much closer to the point that that's a market-ready product, and it's something that we can finally start really focusing on optimizing that, 并使其更有效率. 考虑到目前, 这真的是, 这是一件很有挑战性的事情, so that's not something that you really want to do for every asset. 然后, you have to really calculate out what benefit that's going to have to you.

让我们看一下编码决策. 这是你必须做出选择的地方, 基于这些挑战和编码的要求, 这需要多少钱, 复制您的资产. You have to figure out what is the right choice for the assets that you have, 什么是适合你的商业模式的正确选择.

值得关注的是, 例如, how likely is it that an asset is going to cross a threshold where it makes sense that the efficiency of these new codecs are going to give you benefit? Is an asset likely to do that already, or is it something that will do that? 然后, you also want to make sure that the decisions that you've made are valid decisions, that these are things that are going to let you really benefit your business, that they're not just kind of theories that are going to potentially improve it. 你想看到它真正发生.

做到这一点的方法就是分析. 分析在这里至关重要. 正如我们在之前的幻灯片上展示的那样, there is a broad difference in the different devices that support these different codecs. 不同的客户, 不同的网站, 不同的媒体属性有不同的受众, so it's important to use an analytics tool to understand what your audience is like. 它们主要是Android设备吗? 他们主要是使用Chrome浏览器的用户吗? 也许它们是iOS设备. 也许它们是Safari设备. 也许他们都是OTT、苹果电视的用户,或者类似的东西. In all of those devices, you're going to have differences of port for different codecs in the market.

You're going to want to use that as one of your first metrics to look at when you determine what your encoding profile is going to be like.

然后, the next part that's really important here is making sure that you're using that right now, because some of those codecs are really computationally expensive, that you're using that on the assets that they're going to make a big different. Content that's going to go viral, that you think is going to go viral ... that's a good piece of content that's likely to benefit from those more advanced, 更高效的编解码器.

然后, 当然, 您还可以连续监控您的活率, 看看有哪些资产在事后越过了这个门槛. 也许你正在看, 例如, an initial window when you upload an asset or release an asset onto your properties. 如果你看到某项资产的流行速度, that's a good indicator that you might want to very quickly dispatch an encoding job to your encoding farm, 或者你用的任何百家乐软件, 转换成其他的编解码器, 这样你就可以, 再一次。, 从中受益.

你要确保你能尽快做到这一点. It's important to have your analytics be as close to realtime as possible, so you know what that content is doing and you know how to make those encoding decisions there.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

编码 & 转码2018:第3部分

We wrap up our survey of the encding and transcoding landscape with looks at Verizon Digital Media Services, 媒体Excel, Comprimato, Elecard, 五车二系统, 史诗实验室, EuclidIQ, 和NGCodec

编码 & 转码2018:第2部分

我们继续对编码进行调查 & 转码市场与看编码.com, Bitmovin, Brightcove, Beamr, Cisco/Synamedia, and Ericsson/MediaKind

编码 & 转码2018:第1部分

编码 and transcoding are at the heart of every OTT and online video workflow. The first article in this three-part series gives an overview of the technologies and a look at three major players in the space: Harmonic, AWS元素, 和Telestream.


Bitmovin Solutions Architect Paul MacDougall assesses and compares current and emerging codecs based on several criteria in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East.

Video: What is the Current State of Browser Support for Next-Gen Codecs?

Bitmovin Solutions Architect Paul MacDougall discusses current browser support and market share for emerging codecs such as HEVC and VP9 in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East.

Video: How to Manage New Playback Challenges Associated with Next-Gen Codecs

Bitmovin Solutions Architect Paul MacDougall outlines the playback challenges associated with emerging codecs in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East.


Beamr的Mark Donnigan报道, 豪华版杰里米·莫里森, Fandango的萨米尔·艾哈迈德报道, and Gogo's Prem Bangole discuss the challenges of providing encoding services for HD, HDR, 和4K,因为编解码器的格局在不断变化和发展.


Twitch's Tarek Amara discusses the pros and cons of different codecs for video compression and delivery for live streaming and VOD.

视频:编解码器之战:AVC vs. 2016年HEVC

你应该提供HEVC吗? It depends on what you're delivering and who you're trying to reach. 霜 & Sullivan analyst Avni Rambhia breaks down the key issues of sticking with AVC vs. 在2016年流媒体东部的这个剪辑中迁移到HEVC.
