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视频:早期窗口反盗版案例研究,Pt. 1:战略

Learn more about anti-piracy strategy and technology at 流媒体的下一个事件.


罗恩·惠勒: 这是一个涉及韩国的案例研究. UHD和HDR是最具吸引力的盗版来源. They are that's what every pirate wants to send to his customers, 无论是付费还是广告支持.

在福克斯, 作为内容所有者, our goal is to actually make money off of this high-quality content and early-window content, but without stimulating additional piracy when we make it available. The way we do that is forensic watermarking, and related measures like geo-location.

The four elements are a distributive mark that we put on in our mastering and distribution infrastructure to identify the various people that we send the content to so that we can quickly see where when we have a leak, 它是从哪里来的?

在这种情况下, we were successful in persuading our distributors to include a warning card to the users. Of course, the main purpose of this is deterrence rather than punishment. We want to prevent people from stealing the content in the first place. 然后 the few bad apples that steal it anyway--we go after them.

The key element here is the session-based watermark on each transmission to the end user.

在这个案例研究中,我们关注的是VOD内容. Each VOD purchaser or renter of the content is given a unique code. We create the technology to do that and then of course the punishment of the few bad apples is the last piece.

I've already talked about a lot of points on this slide. The interesting thing about this case study is it's actually 4 1/2 years now. 我们的第一次发布是在2014年初. 在这个例子中,我们有35个数据点. In South Korea, we've been able to create an ecosystem for early releases. It's the first release anywhere in the world for us and for our fellow studios who are engaged in this. 就像我说的,几乎所有人都在参与. 它被称为SP-VOD.

Then so we've tried to prevent this from being a worldwide source of piracy for everywhere for both for Korea and outside Korea. 再一次。, this is another representation that's specific to Korea--the session-based watermark I've talked about already. This pre-roll warning card says are you aware--do you know that you can be punished for illegal copying and distribution?

The key point for us: The individual who copies or distributes this video without authorization can be identified and verified through a technological tracking system and can be held liable for money damages or punished according to related laws. 这是指罪犯. 这是我们很高兴看到的警示牌, 因为它和技术一样重要, 就我们而言. 然后, because it's a foreign language and a subtitle country, we use burned-in created subtitles to make the content less valuable outside of Korea.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Synamedia的克里斯托弗·萨斯报道, NCTA的马特·托雷报道, and Streaming Video Alliance's Jason Thibeault discuss the role emerging technologies can play in streaming content protection in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 East 2019.

是什么 the Streaming Industry Doing to Solve its Piracy Problem?

Streaming Video Alliance Executive Director Jason Thibeault and NCTA VP of Broadband Technology Matt Tooley discuss current industry-wide efforts to address privacy concerns in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 East 2019.

How Do You Fight Streaming Piracy in a 免费的 Content Culture?

Synamedia Head of Technical Sales Christopher Sass discusses the challenges of content protection in a culture that regards streaming content as free in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 East 2019.


EZDRM创始人之一 & COO Olga Kornienko discusses the importance of understanding the underlying causes of streaming piracy for dealing with it in this clip from her panel at 流媒体 East 2019.


二十世纪福克斯公司的罗恩·惠勒, 库德尔斯基集团的David Wurgler说, 以及verimmatrix的彼得·彼得卡, discuss the current state of streaming piracy in this clip from 流媒体 West 2018.

Video: Why Haven't We Implemented Industry-Wide Anti-Piracy?

聚光灯下副总裁, Product Strategy Steve Miller-Jones discusses the challenges of standardizing anti-piracy in this clip from 流媒体 West 2018.

视频:早期窗口反盗版案例研究,Pt. 2:结果

二十世纪福克斯公司高级副总裁, 内容保护 Ron Wheeler presents Part 2 of a case study on UHD/HDR anti-piracy strategy presented at 流媒体 West 2018.

Video: How DRM and Real-Time Watermarking Have Converged to Curtail Content Piracy

IDVIU's Vincent Viteau and BuyDRM's Christopher Levy explain how hardware-based DRM and forensic marketing are now working in lockstep to reduce piracy in this clip from their 流媒体 East 2018 panel.

Video: Why Has Hardware-Based DRM Become Critical to 内容保护?

BuyDRM首席执行官 & Founder Christopher Levy discusses why hardware-based DRM has become industry standard in the 4K era in this clip from 流媒体 East 2018.