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Video: 360 Immersive 在线直播 Workflow: Part 1, Capture and Stitching

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肖恩Przybilla: 在一般情况下, live streaming of a 360-degree immersive experience is not much different from a distribution perspective, but there are some key considerations to keep in mind for a successful life stream of a 360. 有几个阶段. You're capturing and distributing or contributing a source feed to your processing infrastructure, 然后通过传统的CDN传输. 这很简单. I think a lot of us are probably familiar with this capture, 流处理到AVR, deliver over a traditional CDN or origin to our end users.

So generally the capturing's going to be happening at a local event, not on AWS. So one of the key considerations is how do we get from the capture location to the cloud, 我一会儿会讲到这个.

But first, there's a wide variety of cameras to capture content. So I just wanted to call out that there's a wide range of potential devices and potential arrays of cameras you could use to capture this content. 所有这些都有不同的特征. Some things to keep in mind that drastically affect the architecture from a distribution perspective would be whether it's monoscopic or stereoscopic, 这里有一些非常重要的考虑. Whether the device has onboard stitching capabilities or whether it has onboarding coding capabilities is a big one. How fast the device drains its battery or does it have onboard storage if you're doing video on demand recording. 这些都是关键的考虑因素. 你可以只花300美元. 我忘了提了, but I have a little camera that attaches to my cell phone that does 360-degree live streaming. 一直到50美元,000 plus for a custom camera arrays that you build yourself with GoPros or other devices.

One of the other considerations is your stitching and projection mapping. 最常见的方法是等方. You can think of equirectangular projection mapping as kind of like our traditional map. 这不是一对一的比较. There's distortion at the polls of the map of the earth. When we go to project that inside a sphere, there's a lot of waste that happened. For instance, by the way, the aliens supposed to be your head. So imagine your head's inside a sphere and we're projecting the video inside of it. Sort of like a planetarium or something like that. 等矩形有一些问题. So you notice there's a lot of deformation as you go further and further from the middle. 然后在两极有很多被浪费的数据. 所以你没有很好地利用这个球体.

So there's a couple of other approaches that have been pioneered by folks at Facebook and YouTube. Specifically cube map, pyramid mapping, and barrel mapping. All these mapping technologies have various tradeoffs and we're really trying to figure out what the best approach is that takes into consideration the whole distribution chain. For instance, pyramid mapping, I think Facebook has a great blog post on. They were discussing how you could do view adaptive bitrate where the bitrate of the angles where the user isn't looking are delivered at a lower bitrate than the view port that they're actually viewing the content in. That changes in real time as the user changes their head in that plane. That's not necessarily supported natively in some of the adaptive bit rate protocols as you might imagine. But I'm hopeful that some of these key learnings will be folded into those standards over time.

There's another consideration: a lot of those cameras say they're 4K, but the reality is they're 4K capture of a 360-degree experience. 用户实际看到的不是4K. They're seeing whatever they're looking at in that experience. So just keep that in mind as you think about contribution capture 4K in a two dimensional fixed plane experience is much different than sending video for a full 360 immersive experience.

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