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How OTT Sports Streaming Will Change

Learn more OTT sports streaming at 流媒体's next event.

Watch the complete presentation from 流媒体 East, DT204. Going OTT: The Changing Face of Sports Consumption,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Moe Hamdhaidari: The rights model will change. 它会变成什么? Well, that's anyone's guess really. 但, I think what will happen is that rights holders will retain some rights for themselves to be able to go B2C to their fans. 但 still sell other rights to broadcasters 和 to platforms that I talked about. And this kind of divergence will only help increase the value of live sports rights. 其中之一, 有趣, I used to work at a soccer club, 和, 有趣, 首席执行官说, "We have an acclaim following 500 million fans around the world." If I just manage to sell one pound to every single one of those, that would pay for itself.

我说“有趣的是。," but you kind of get the idea that these numbers, because of that visceral nature of sports. So I think that's kind of, that's the first phase. That's what will happen with the bigger names. I think there is a second phase that will come. And I think this is the tier two leagues 和 the smaller clubs who become interested in this. They'll see the value that it can bring. They'll see the additional streams that it can bring into them.

And I think this is what will give rise to O&OB2C, which is owned-和-operated-direct-to-consumers. So, this interesting but what does it mean? What does it mean for the end user? Because ultimately that's what I'm interested in. What does it mean for me as a fan? And I think, thinking about this, I kind of put it into two words. So proliferation, which I always get wrong but I got it right that time, yes. 和散度. So, how many more of these five, six, seven dollars a month things am I gonna be to afford? I'm already seeing that I'll have to kill Netflix because I'll probably need Disney+ for my daughter. So that's a trade-off there.

但, will I then have a subscription to Brighton & 队, which is my soccer team back home, as well as one for Eleven Sports Network because I want to watch Champions League, 等等. So, I think it's that this proliferation is a good thing, 和 I think it's a really bad thing. And I think whoever can crack it will do the sports fan a favor.

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