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流媒体 West is only one week away now, 随着注册人数的增加(天气预报也很好),这将是一个令人难忘的节日. 本次大会将邀请三位知名人士发表演讲:苹果将于周三开始, and Google will wrap it up. But the Tuesday opener belongs to Warren Schlichting, executive vice president and group president at Sling TV, 谁来解释如何将OTT视频服务货币化,并提供基于消费者的体验. We spoke with Schlichting to get a preview of his talk.


Warren Schlichting: At Sling TV, 我们专注于与客户建立良好的关系,并尽可能提供最好的体验——包括可靠的服务, 稳定的服务, personalized features, flexible programming, 和更多的. We know that consumers come and go on an ongoing basis, 但无缝衔接的观看体验才是吸引他们回头客的原因. Sling TV remains the number one live TV streaming service; we have always thought long-term about our relationship with our customers and focus on reinvesting in a user-friendly experience based on consumer behaviors and what our customers tell us. 例如, 我们最近开始在我们的指南中展示一些客户可能不知道我们提供的热门节目和电影, 通过允许他们直接在应用程序中订阅一个包或频道,使访问这些内容变得更容易.    

在这一点上,OTT服务是否提供了优秀的内容个性化和推荐? If not, what more needs to be done?

内容个性化是OTT提供商只有一次机会做好的事情. 如果提供者提出的建议不准确,它将失去消费者对该功能的信任. Providing recommendations is very personal to customers, and tough to perfect; no OTT provider has it just right, because there’s always room for improvement. Prediction engines need to learn about a user by collecting viewership data; the more a user watches, 搜索引擎越智能,推荐就越好. 

定向广告对联网电视和OTT货币化有多重要? Do consumers like the targeted appeals? Is there a danger in intruding on their privacy? 

在当今的OTT电视直播模式中,定向广告是至关重要的, which is why dynamic ad insertion remains a top priority for us. In 2017, Sling TV是第一个在直播电视中推出动态广告插入的公司, bringing targeted, 通过程序化购买向Sling TV投放一对一印象广告. 从那时起, other vMVPDs have followed, 慢慢地在网络服务上引入动态AD插入. By having a more targeted appeal served on an individual basis, consumers are likely to be more engaged in an ad. 这意味着同一家庭的两个人可能在看同一个节目时看到两个为他们量身定制的不同广告. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers, 这就是为什么在可用于定位的数据集类型方面存在特定限制的原因.

Do viewers want a la carte viewing options? Or are they happier with small customizable bundles? Is a la carte ever likely to happen?

Viewers no longer want a big, 更大的, 最大的电视套餐——他们只想为他们想看的付费, 这就是为什么Sling TV是提供可定制流媒体选择的单点电视的先驱. Our model is unique to us; with genre-based Extra packs and individual channel add-ons, 没有其他直播OTT提供商提供比我们更多的选择和定制. While a la carte seems great on the surface, 在现实中, all those costs for individual channels add up quickly, which wouldn’t be great for consumers. 

Some major players are entering the OTT space soon. Does this worry you? 在我们不断变化的观看习惯中,Sling TV如何最好地利用这一时刻, when the market is still young but already feels crowded?

当然,越来越多的玩家进入了OTT领域, 但在教育公众关于OTT的选择方面,我们还有很长的路要走. 事实上, most people don’t understand the difference between services, and it creates a lot of confusion for the consumer. Sling TV通过我们专注于选择和控制的独特模式使自己与众不同. 我们是第一个在线OTT服务,在用户和设备兼容性方面,我们仍然处于领先地位, 让客户无论身在何处都能观看电视直播. By continuing to focus on stability, we provide a consistent viewing experience to our customers, which is the most important quality an OTT service can have. 我们尽可能简单地为客户提供他们喜欢的内容,即使它没有基础包. That’s why earlier this year, 我们为以前的客户提供了购买多个独立频道的功能, pay-per-view events, 或者不用订阅Sling Orange或Sling Blue就能租一部电影. As the market has become more crowded, 我们将继续保持美国第一直播电视流媒体服务的地位,并不断发展我们的产品以适应消费者的行为.

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