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SMW '18:蒂姆·西格林回顾西部流媒体的亮点

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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到steam Media West 2018的尾声. 我想简单回顾一下这周的采访. 过去两天我们做了近20个采访. 我们和Twitch的人谈过了. 我们已经和微软的人谈过了, 很多公司, 大公司, 还有小公司. 主流化 was the company that we talked to and First Tube was a startup that we talked to. 我们还有来自女性流媒体组织的代表, which we were really happy yesterday to see a very large turnout at their meetup. 大概有20个左右的人在这里.

人数持续增长. 随着队伍的壮大,我们不得不不停地给他们拍照, 所以, 总的来说,这是一部不错的电视剧. 由此产生了一些趋势. One, VR, which was a really hot topic a year ago, is pretty much nonexistent. 我想我们上次采访Mark Alamares总结了这一点. VR has quite a ways to go, but mixed reality is moving forward being driven by eSports. 电子竞技是第二大话题. That is a very large audience, both of content creators and consumers who require very low latencies. 延迟, 如果在传统的一对多流中这是一个可以接受的问题, 当涉及到双向或互动时,这是不是一个可以接受的问题.

Interactive is probably the third big trend that was talked about where when you have low latency, 你可以做体育博彩之类的事情, 拍卖, 押注, even polls and chats that happen in realtime as opposed to happening 15 or 30 seconds later with the way that traditional streaming used to be.

最后,微服务被讨论了很多. 第一天, 第一天的前半部分, 会上有许多关于微服务的小组讨论和讨论. I think it was best described yesterday by Mark Russell at MediaKind who said that an echo system was the way to think about microservices where you can move enhancements rapidly on one module or add features on another module in a way that you couldn't do any old monolithic structures.

The understanding there is that that means that cloud computing has actually reached streaming feature set parity where before it had always been the on premise equipment that had higher features. 然后, I guess the last thing that really fascinated me today was we had Roger Pantos from Apple, 谁在现场谈论HLS. He's the inventor of HLS and indeed he pointed it out right at the beginning of his presentation, 但他做了一个关于如何让HLS更好工作的小型学校讲座. Given the fact that it's the de facto standard in the industry for segment-based video delivery, it was really nice to have him come and provide some of the technical details and ways to think about using manifest files and the like.

再一次, 我是蒂姆·西格林, 流媒体杂志特约编辑, 非营利组织“帮助我”的创始人兼执行董事! Stream, wishing all of you who've been at the show safe travels as you go home. 对于那些一直在网上观看的人, we hope that you'll get a chance to look through a number of the other videos that we've done for interviews throughout the last two days and then also look at 0111397.com over the next few weeks because edited versions of those will go up as well as videos of some of the sessions that were done. 大家晚上愉快吗.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


由于大型会议的未来尚存疑问, 流媒体 West将于11月回归亨廷顿海滩. 以下是你应该加入我们的几个原因.

苹果,亚马逊Fire TV和谷歌主播流媒体西部'19

今年的流媒体西部有了一个新的地点——在洛杉矶市中心.A.!—but the same impressive roster of streaming visionaries that the industry has come to expect.


20年前在圣何塞第二届流媒体西部大会上, Microsoft chairman and CEO Bill Gates addressed a capacity crowd with a keynote on "The Digital Media Revolution."


最聪明的, 最有才华的, most creative minds in streaming video will be at the 流媒体 West conference this November. 你会成为他们中的一员吗?

SMW '18: nanocosmos' Oliver Lietz Talks Interactive Streaming and H5Live

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews nanocosmos CEO Oliver Lietz at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: Brightcove的Lexie Pike谈SSAI和标准化

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Brightcove's Lexie Pike at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: Meet Group's Lauren Hallanan Talks Solo Streaming and Dating Apps

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Meet Group VP of Livestreaming Lauren Hallanan at 流媒体 West 2018.


流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Ellation VP Engineering Michael Dale at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: VideoLink的凯文·麦卡锡谈论ReadyCam工作室

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews VideoLink Director of Production Kevin McCarthy at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: Twitch的Tarek Amara谈论多编解码器流媒体

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Twitch's Tarek Amara at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: THEO Technologies' Pieter-Jan Speelmans Talks Modular Player APIs

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews THEO Technologies CTO Pieter-Jan Speelmans at 流媒体 West 2018.

Mobeon的Mark Alamares谈论混合现实故事

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Mobeon CEO Mark Alamares at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18:克里斯诺尔顿谈论微软流

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Microsoft Principal Lead Program Manager Chris Knowlton at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: JD Fox Talks Making Small-Market Sports Streaming Look Big League

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林采访了JD·福克斯, PrestoSports的合作伙伴关系和产品管理总监, 体育流媒体峰会和流媒体西部2018.

SMW '18: IBM Watson Media and Weather's Scott Grizzle Talks Finding Solutions

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews IBM Watson Media and Weather Senior Solutions Engineer Scott Grizzle at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18: Cisco's Sangeeta Ramakrishnan Talks Machine Learning and eSports

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Cisco Distinguished Engineer Sangeeta Ramakrishnan at 流媒体 West 2018.

2018年6月:beam的Mark Donnigan谈到了HEVC

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Beamr VP Marketing Mark Donnigan at 流媒体 West.

SMW '18: First Tube Media's Andrew Beranbom Talks Bands, Brands, and Platforms

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews First Tube Media CEO Andrew Beranbom at 流媒体 West 2018.

SMW '18:主流的Mike Smith谈论超级节点技术

流媒体 contributing editor 蒂姆Siglin interviews Mainstreaming Global VP, 解决方案工程Mike Smith在流媒体西部2018.

SMW '18: MediaKind的Mark Russell谈论微服务

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林采访了MediaKind的首席技术官 & 战略主管Mark Russell在流媒体西部2018.
