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SMW 17: PCCW's Margareta Sauger Talks VR/360 Live Sports

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体西部2017. I'm Tim Siglin, Contributing Editor with 流媒体 and Media Strategy Principal at ReelSolver. 今天我请来了玛格丽特·索格. 她是电讯盈科环球的. First of all, tell our audience what PCCW is because I know, but maybe not everybody else will.

诞生大眼鰤鲈: PCCW Global is an international telecom company. We have services available in about 150 countries in the world. That ranges from traditional telco services to what is applicable here, media broadcast and a whole suite of available solutions within that vertical.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. You were on a panel or you did a presentation about virtual reality video. 具体来说,重点是什么?

诞生大眼鰤鲈: It was a use case that was developed earlier this year. 我在香港的一个同事, 亚历克斯·贝里曼, decided to do a live 360 VR event as a proper use case because little to none were available at the time. 事情就是这样开始的. 我们已经有了互联网. 我们有人才. 我们有知识. Now how could you combine all of that, partner with the right partners, and make this a reality?

蒂姆Siglin: Who was the right partner from a talent standpoint?

诞生大眼鰤鲈: Internally at PCCW, we have many different organizations. 其中之一就是现在的电视. 所以这里有很多电视达人. 当然 our own data, netbone, backbone infrastructure. 我们与Harmonic合作, who had already done some similar use cases that we could kind of brainstorm together on what would be the right 360 live events approach. Then we wrote an RFP because we're not a production house. 我们也需要得到那个元素. We partnered with an SI company, Ideal Services. They brought in a Nokia OZO and other elements to make the stadium component fully produced before it then gets handed off to our network.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 告诉我更多关于使用的事件.

诞生大眼鰤鲈: Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, one of the largest international sporting events. 故事发生在香港. The beauty of it is that you have a dense population where the incumbent provider in that particular Hong Kong city. They had the content rights, we had the capability, the partnership. 你把所有这些完美地混合在一起, 如果你愿意, to have a use case from an actual real-life experience.

蒂姆Siglin: In that live experience, was it geo-blocked where only people within Hong Kong could view it?

诞生大眼鰤鲈: 是的. It’s too bad, but as VR is still in some ways, in version 1.0, it gave us a lot of insight and experience to what went well, 这是怎样的障碍和挣扎啊, 用户体验, 我们的客户, 实际上, 现在的电视允许我们这样做, 接下来我们能做什么呢? How is this really helping 用户体验?

蒂姆Siglin: 所以这不仅仅是用户体验, it's also gaining the experience within PCCW to understand the difference between virtual reality video versus standard video.

诞生大眼鰤鲈: 绝对. You can watch this event in your traditional environment watching it on TV. 你现在可以在虚拟现实中做到这一点, but you know your headset to mount the device, 你用什么?, a cardbox or any of the devices out there today. You get the sense and the experience of being in the stadium and seeing these players coming hurdling at you. Immersion of the 360 where you can see what's going on in the stadium and on the field in addition to just the traditional viewing methodology.

蒂姆Siglin: You had end users who actually consumed the content where they're using the Samsung VR Solutions, 眼睛裂痕. How did you get viewers to actually watch it? Did you do a television commercial or social media to say, "Hey, call us today. 观看现场直播."

诞生大眼鰤鲈: 好吧,这是这个项目的亮点. 我们有六周的时间来做这个.

蒂姆Siglin: 哦哇!

诞生大眼鰤鲈: So the app store process alone is about two to three weeks.

蒂姆Siglin: 当然.

诞生大眼鰤鲈: We were only able to launch it two days prior. 它确实给了我们一些限制.

蒂姆Siglin: 哦哇.

诞生大眼鰤鲈: 反响非常积极. 它确实得到了很多媒体的曝光. 赞助商, NOW电视, they were quite pleased with it because it did give them a good amount of exposure in the market.

蒂姆Siglin: 现在你已经启动了应用程序, you could potentially repurpose that app if you wanted to do a second use case.

诞生大眼鰤鲈: Possibly, but I think it's more a single-use app.

蒂姆Siglin: 有没有吸取教训??

诞生大眼鰤鲈: Lessons learned, you gotta get your equipment in this stadium. You've got to get the angles of the cameras right. Those were elements that were unknown territory, unchartered territory. 启动应用程序审批流程. 现在我们知道了. Then of course we've could have done a lot more advertising. Next go around hopefully we will get to that point. 最终,这是一次积极的经历. A lot of users that when you walk by, walked off with it with a "哇. 我们不知道这是可以做到的.“我们生活在这个行业. 很多人都没有. It's yet another avenue to pull in viewers or new-generation viewers that otherwise might never go watch the game.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的. 哇. 玛格丽特,非常感谢你的宝贵时间.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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Video: When Will VR Entertainment Deliver ROI?

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