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NAB 2018: 斯蒂芬·莱德尔谈Bitmovin工具箱

At NAB, 1月时 met with about a dozen companies with stakes in HEVC and/or AV1. 这是他对他们进行的一系列视频采访中的另一个.

1月时: 1月时报道。. 我在NAB的比特币展台. 我和首席执行官兼创始人斯特凡·莱德勒在一起. 

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 欢迎光临我们的展位. NAB是可靠的,对Bitmovin来说是惊人的. 它是拥挤的. 很棒的节目,还有很多很棒的公告.

1月时: 告诉我们. 你明天有两个新闻发布会. 你为什么不进入你将要谈论的话题呢?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 肯定, 这是一个重要的声明, 这是我们的第一个, we raised the financing around Series B from great investor called Highland Europe. $30,000,000 that enables us to grow the company to build new products to expand a team to invest in engineering and innovation, 研发AV1这样的新产品, 比如机器学习编码, 还有更多的东西. And also work on new products that we are going to launch in the next couple of years. 这对Bitmovin来说是一件了不起的事情.

1月时: So why don't you go through the product lines that you're showing at NAB. 你创办了一家播放器公司, 然后你去了OVP, 然后是分支, 从那时起就有了很大的变化. 所以,回顾一下你目前正在运营的基本产品线.

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: So, we see us on the infrastructure level, so really having a toolbox of video infrastructure tools. 这就是玩家, 我们开始的时候, 这是我们宣布并发布的第一款产品. 然后,在我们添加编码产品后不久. 这是这个工具箱里的前两件东西. 然后我们说, “好吧, 实际上, we want also to measure how the video is perceived and received at the last mile, 实际的用户体验, 所以让我们添加一个分析产品, 首先是作为我们玩家团队的内部工具, 但后来我们把它作为一个独立的产品分离出来.

And that's exactly the infrastructure level where we want to be the leader and also differentiate us from end-to-end solutions. So, an OVP is typically an end-to-end solution with asset management 等等....... 所以,我们不认为自己是OVP. We want to see us as a toolbox of products in the value chain that you can pick where it fits. 每个产品都是单独有用的. 每个产品都需要作为一个独立的产品而存在, 如果你看到我们做得很好, 你可以取另一个产物. You start with the player, you add the encoding, you add the analytics if we're doing a good job. So, 你可以在供应商和, can differentiate on the market as a customer of Bitmovin because it's not an end-to-end solution. It's a highly customizable toolbox and you can build a workflow that's differentiated, 这是为您的特定工作流程量身定制的.

1月时: 这将被称为编解码器NAB. 你知道,去年我们有苹果的公告. 在过去的几个月里,我们有AV1. 你知道, 你是一个在线编码供应商, 因此,您必须提供客户要求的所有格式. 他们想要什么? What was the impact of the Apple announcement and where do you see AV1 going?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: So, the Apple announcement, or Apple sneaking in as a part of the Alliance for Open Media. That was a great thing to happen to see a company like Apple is supporting an open standard like AV1. 我们看到标准化正在进行. 我们看到,这个行业正在腾飞. AV1是NAB的一个重要话题. 很多人想来看我们的演示. 所以,人们对此很感兴趣. 

同时, 有很多问号, 比如它将在哪里得到支持, 编码效率如何等等. And that's something where we as a vendor come in and try to simplify those things, 提供与HEVC产品竞争的编码产品, to provide a player that's supporting AV1 streams in the different browsers, and to make it as easy as possible for content providers to use those products. AV1显然仍处于早期阶段. HEVC现在已经有五六年的历史了. So, definitely, there is some time where AV1 needs to be fitted into products. 

今天,我们推出了AV1技术. 一项技术本身就需要更多. 这还不够. It needs a product around it; tools to encode the package, to deliver, and to playback. 这就是这个行业现在必须要做的. 我们是供应商中最顶尖的. We lead deploying AV1 today with partners like Mozilla, for example, and Google and many others. But, it's still much more to do from the vendor ecosystem to make it easy to deploy. 

1月时: 那么,你对HEVC和HLS有什么看法? 你们有多少客户在用这个?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 因此,如果不受DRM保护,HLS绝对是主流格式. HEVC正在起飞. 我认为AV1的推出简化了很多关于授权的对话. So, 专利池正朝着正确的方向发展, 但仍, 他们阻碍了HEVC的成功. 不幸的是, customers are unsure still and the licensing conversation is definitely limiting the success of HEVC. 

也许将来会更好. 这是我们所希望的. 我的意思是,我们是HEVC和AV1的忠实粉丝. 所以,它们都是很棒的技术. 我们在这两方面都付出了很多努力,我们天生就是工程师. 所以,我们欣赏这两种编解码器,我们支持这两种编解码器. 但是,最终,必须有可能在野外使用它们. 因此,AV1作为一种免版税的编解码器,绝对是诱人的. And HEVC with the patent pool conversations is holding back a lot of the potential that's possible.

1月时: 几个月前,你们推出了按标题编码. 最近,你们推出了人工智能驱动的编码?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 完全.

1月时: 有什么区别?? 有什么相似之处吗?? 

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 所以,有些事情我们会想,好吧,你可以做得更好? 我的意思是,你有HEVC,你有AV1,这些都是很棒的编解码器. 但在这些编解码器之上,你可以做非常非常有趣的事情. 研究多比特率流, 你可以分析内容的复杂性,然后说, “嘿, which quality levels do I 实际上 need for a cartoon versus a soccer game,例如:. And that's something where our customers are highly interested in because they can save a lot of bandwidth with this, 比如小窍门. 因此,您不必等待新的编解码器进入市场. 您可以将这些技术应用于今天的编解码器,例如H.264,并从中获得价值增益. 这对很多顾客都很有吸引力.

1月时: 那么,每个标题和AI驱动编码之间的区别是什么呢?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 是的, so per-title is the first step where you adjust the bitrate letter to the content characteristics. 人工智能是分析过程的一部分, 所以这实际上是一个人工智能驱动的标题编码, 但是为了简单起见, 我们称之为标题编码. 

1月时: 好吧.

斯蒂芬·莱德尔:关于基于ai的编码, we'd look into the rate adaptation and we would look into how to optimize, 重新分配视频流中的比特. 我们要做的是,在编码步骤中引入第三个通道. 因此,典型的编码器有一个或两个编码步骤. 我们要做的是, 我们添加第三个通道, driven by machine learning and AI to get a better feel how to distribute based on content, 类型, 和长度, 等等......, 不同的特征. 这最终使我们能够拥有更有效的编码. 

1月时: 好吧,谢谢. 好吧,听. 谢谢你今天给我们的时间. 我知道你今天很忙,祝你演出顺利.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

NAB综述:HEVC, AV1和专有编解码器的状态

H.264 still leads, HEVC is starting to gain traction, and AV1 had its coming-out party. 更令人困惑的是,其他编解码器提供了这三种编解码器的替代方案. 1月时对今年NAB的所有编解码器新闻进行了解释.

NAB 2018: Bitmovin谈论编解码器比较测试结果

Bitmovin's Christian Feldmann talks with 流媒体's 1月时 about the AV1 encoding quality gains the company found in comparison to HEVC

NAB 2018: Mux的Jon Dahl谈论QoE和Mux视频

Mux CEO Jon Dahl talks about the company's QoE flagship QoE product and Mux Video, 一个新的视频托管和流媒体API.

NAB 2018: NGcodec讨论fpga加速编码

NGcodec CEO Oliver Gunasekara talks about how his company uses field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) available on standard cloud computers to accelerate high-quality encoding of HEVC and VP9 video, 以及这对AV1可能意味着什么.

NAB 2018: V-Nova会谈珀尔修斯和交付平台

V-Nova co-founder and CEO Guido Meardi describes how his company has taken the PERSEUS codec launched three years ago and produced a finished product playable in all browsers and mobile devices, 以及许多机顶盒和OTT平台.

NAB 2018: Reza Rassool演讲RealNetworks HD

RealNetworks首席技术官Reza Rassool讨论RealNetworks HD, 一个强大的, lightweight codec that's gained very substantial share in China and now is coming to the US. He also describes a report showing that his codec delivers better quality than HEVC.

NAB 2018: Capella讨论软件编码和新兴编解码器

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Capella Systems' Ikuyo Yamada in the Capella booth at NAB and discusses HEVC, AV1, 和杜比视界.

NAB 2018:编码.com谈论现实世界中HEVC和VP9的使用

1月时采访了编码公司的首席执行官兼联合创始人Greg Heil.关于编码的结果.全球媒体格式报告(2017), particularly as it relates to the actual usage of HEVC and VP9 by Encoding.com的客户.

NAB 2018: Beamr的Tom Vaughan谈论新兴编解码器的吸收

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Beamr VP of strategy Tom Vaughan in the Beamr booth at NAB 2018 about HEVC and AV1

NAB 2018:开放媒体联盟会谈AV1启动

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Alliance for Open Media executive director Gabe Frost at NAB 2018, 谈论AV1的发布, 它的未来, 以及它将如何与HEVC共存

NAB 2018: Mozilla谈论Daala、Firefox和AV1

Mozilla researchers Nathan Egge and Michael Bebenita discuss Daala's role in the AV1 codec, 以及如何在不依赖第三方IP的情况下开发编解码器. They also discuss early performance numbers and when AV1 decode will be available in Firefox.
