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MWC 19: AR, VR, and 5G Create the Future of Online Entertainment


虽然围绕5G的大部分讨论都是通过企业对企业应用进行的重量级努力, 想象一下高速网络和机器视觉的结合发展能为未来的媒体带来什么,会有很多乐趣, 信息, 和娱乐. We are at the low foothills of 一号玩家准备就绪 scenarios in which the online world merges with the real.

很少有公司像facebook这样对虚拟和实体互动的愿景如此雄心勃勃 神奇的飞跃.

在MWC2019上的演讲, 奥马尔·罕, 首席产品官, 他说,他更喜欢用“物理”这个词,而不是“真实”世界来描述他的公司正在做的事情.

“我们看到了数字世界和现实世界的大规模协调,”他说. “Humans interact using 手势, eye gaze, and voice with no friction. Our aim is to replicate that natural human interface with spatial computing.”

The 神奇的飞跃 One goggles are, 用他的话来说, “a spatial computing device” which 除此之外 will “unbox the web”.


“There’s no reason not to turn the streets of your city into Gotham,他说.

Spatial computing using AR googles, 他说, would enable 3D communication and co-presence, turning any living space into a venue for entertainment

“当你把人们带到一个地方时,在成本、旅行和时间方面,经济是有限的. But when you bring places to people then it is infinite.”

The makers of AR game phenomenon 口袋妖怪去 他们说,他们有意让孩子们离开沙发,在现实世界中玩耍——尽管是通过手机屏幕的镜头.

“让我们兴奋的是增强现实体验的社交互动性,”facebook首席技术官菲尔•凯斯林(Phil Keslin)表示 奈安蒂克. “我们举办了AR活动,吸引了成千上万的人与他们从未见过的人一起参加. 我坚信创造这些共享的社交体验是制作沉浸式游戏应用的关键.”

他声称 口袋妖怪去 玩家们在玩这款游戏的过程中总共走了超过220亿公里——这是地球在21年的时间里绕太阳一圈的距离.


Clues about the tech that has gone into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite 可以从氖, 这是奈安蒂克去年推出的一款即时多人虚拟躲避球游戏.

奈安蒂克还使用机器学习来确定视频帧中每个像素的深度, then using that to make virtual objects run behind real objects in real-time. The processing for this, Keslin said, is done almost entirely on the device.

“为了实现大型共享体验,你需要更好的带宽和非常低的延迟,这正是5G所带来的,他说. “移动边缘计算使处理过程更接近用户,并允许我们进行计算密集型工作,例如仲裁一千个人的实时交互.”

Immersive storytelling is the bread and butter of 佃农实验室, Verizon’s innovation hub for emerging technologies.

“5G is the post-smartphone era and you need to get ready for it now,马克·梅林催促道, head of RYOT Studio in Europe. “You can’t connect 5G globally today but you can connect up a small room.”

RYOT has built a 5G-networked studio where, 除此之外, 它已经尝试了即时动作捕捉——将现场捕捉到的表演立即转换成动画.

“That’s never been done before,” he claimed. “Imagine the future production of 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》where it won’t take a month or a week to render every single frame. 你可以立刻做到.”

RYOT is also experimenting with holography. 受试者被捕获在3D立体视频中,佩戴HoloLens的第三方可以看到. Melling’s example was bringing together a U.S. customs agent with an immigrant for the better understanding of both.

“That’s one of the most controversial conversations you can have can have, 但全息存在挑战人们与他人分享同一个空间,否则他们永远不敢这样做.”

The Tokyo Olympics in summer 2020 will be a showcase for 5G technologies, 包括它们在多摄像头视频贡献链接和8K虚拟现实中的应用——NTT Docomo电信计划将其作为直播流.

国际奥委会 President Thomas Bach told MWC2019, “你的肾上腺素会飙升,就好像你正在从半管滑雪道上跳下来,或者在骷髅雪橇上感受重力. 在这方面,VR和AR提供了一种全新的方式来体验奥运会的魔力.”

他暗示,国际奥委会正在探索利用AR和VR体验电子竞技的方式. 与阿里巴巴合作, ω, 和英特尔, the organization is also enveloping Tokyo’s games venues with 5G to the cloud. “This will transform the Olympics for fans, venues, and athletes,” Bach said. “这项技术还将帮助裁判和裁判做出更好的决策. We may see digital judging of gymnastics in Tokyo.”

宏达电 创始人兼首席执行官王雪红, “VR和AR”是有史以来最具沉浸感的媒体和交流形式.”

She declared, “They will increasingly be blended for different applications. Recent advances in eye tracking will enhance the quality of content by optimizing VR performance; sensors will feed back contextual 信息 about the user environment.”

Wang predicted 5G will deliver 10Gbs for data heavy applications like VR. “The world around us will be mapped out for contextual 信息,” s他说. “AI will humanize our technology using facial recognition, 手势, 生物识别技术, and voice control to interface with the virtual world. 区块链将确保我们的个人数据世界保持隐私,除非我们选择共享.”

她利用这个机会发布了宏达电 5G hub——一款运行Android 9的娱乐设备.0 Pie which also acts as a smart display and 5G hotspot for up to 20 users. 它配备了高通骁龙855处理器,支持低延迟游戏和4K视频流(尽管Hub自己的屏幕奇怪地是720x1280)。. 与Sprint网络兼容,该设备将来可能会在其他网络上运行. It is expected to integrate with Google Assistant.

Photo: 宏达电 创始人兼首席执行官王雪红 introduced the 宏达电 5G Hub at MWC2019.

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