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Considering that recent days have seen Accenture acquire S3, Ericsson buy Envivio, Amazon Web Services grab Elemental Technologies, and Turner nab iStreamPlanet, that's hardly a surprise. 目前的共识是,更多的大型交易正在筹备中.

“我们将继续看到这种情况,我们将看到行业的大规模整合,而能够提供端到端服务的企业相对较少," says Dr. 首席营收官兼联合创始人谢伊•戴维(Shay David)表示 Kaltura. 他补充说,明年的IBC将有更多的客户,但更少的供应商.

Who's the next to be bought? 想象一下通信和谐波公司,大卫猜测. 他认为和声现在是一个特别有吸引力的目标, trading at one-and-a-half times earnings.

大卫说,有几个因素促成了这一整合趋势. 规模较小的公司很难提供有利可图的服务. Building one function into a sustainable business is hard nowadays; there's strength in numbers. 与此同时,买家正在寻找能够提供全面服务的供应商. 对于需要8个不同供应商的多年OTT项目来说,市场发展太快了, he says.

Kaltura展台上熙熙攘攘,Shay说内容所有者都来购买. "OTT is happening now; it's not some future prospect," he says. 与他交谈的公司要么已经选择了合作伙伴,要么正在选择过程中.

行业整合发挥了Kaltura的优势, David says, 因为它是较大的供应商之一,可以提供端到端解决方案. His company's mission is to remain independent, he says, 因为市场对一家能够提供全方位运营商级解决方案的独立公司有着强烈的需求. 他指出,爱立信和思科是Kaltura的主要竞争对手.

当不招待潜在客户或现有客户时, Kaltura正在谈论其两大IBC公告. Days ago it launched MediaX, 帮助内容所有者在创造收入机会的同时增加价值的一组组件. MediaX包括云DVR、元数据丰富和大数据预测分析组件. Kaltura认为需要业务逻辑将这些服务与收入机会联系起来.

"Working with cable carries, satellite providers, 我们意识到需要一个业务层和业务逻辑,使运营商能够从云DVR中获得最大的收益," David says. "That sort of product is a commodity. 业务层是云DVR为客户提供良好体验和为运营商提供良好业务解决方案的原因."

Kaltura also recently launched OTT Now, 对于想要快速进入市场的内容所有者来说,这是一个低成本的选择. 而面向客户的元素都是完全可定制的, the backend is template-driven and fixed. Kaltura表示,客户可以在两个月内开始使用OTT服务, 但大卫说,如果一家公司只想添加标识,做最少的定制,可能只需要三天的时间.

“OTT Now是一个开箱即用的OTT解决方案,允许内容版权所有者, a broadcaster, 和运营商在几周而不是几个月内推出OTT服务," Davis says.

OTT Now allows for subscription, transactional, and ad-supported offerings, and creates storefronts for the web, iOS, and Android platforms. Pricing runs from $250,000 to $500,000.

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