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Soon, subscribers will be receiving their copy of 2022年 流媒体 Industry 原始资料, our annual status check on the crucial changes in the online video industry over the past year, with an eye toward what we can expect to happen in the next 12 months (and the digital version is already online). yes, I'll say it—unprecedented changes we saw in 2020 only accelerated what those of us inside the industry have been predicting for more than 2 decades.

Streaming video is now at the very center of every part of our lives. (Well, most of us, anyway—more on that later.) The way we communicate at work, the way we interact with family and friends, the way we share milestone events in our personal lives, the way we consume all manner of audio and visual entertainment—streaming video is the way. And the process by which much of that content is created also changed dramatically, whe­ther it's blockbuster TV series like 的Manda-lor-ian that are made using virtual production or business-to-business conferences that bring together speakers and audiences from around the world using remote production.

But I added the caveat "most of us" for a reason. It's easy for those of us in developed nations to take 100Mbps (or faster) internet speeds for granted, but according to a December 2021 United Nations report, 2.9 billion people around the world have never used the internet, much less connected on Zoom or watched YouTube. And even in developed nations like the U.S., the switch to virtual learning brought on by the pandemic revealed what many of us already knew: There are plenty of regions, 主要是农村, where internet access is extremely limited and high-speed connectivity isn't available for miles.

So as you reflect on where our industry has been and where it's going, give some thought to helping an organization that is coming up with solutions: the not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation. It is working to create streaming solutions for people with a lack of consistent broadband (and, 有时, 电). Our contributing editor Tim Siglin runs the foundation (full disclosure: I'm the chairman), and if you're interested in helping out with donations of money, 服务, 或者旧设备的时间, 人才, 还是财富, 就像他们在教堂里说的那样 hmsrf.org/donate.

[Editor's note: This article appears in 2022年 流媒体 Industry 原始资料.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

When the Levee Breaks: The Origin of On-Demand Content

Herbert Morrison's stunning narration of the Hindenburg disaster marked the first time recorded audio was ever broadcast as breaking news. The indelible words "Oh, the humanity!" remind us that it's the content—not whether it's live or on-demand—that makes the difference.

Testing Wowza's 大规模实时流

Wowza's new ultra-low latency offering can deliver either an RTMP stream or a WebRTC stream, with WebRTC outperforming the legacy protocol

Collecting 'Junk' for Better Streaming

有垃圾? The Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation can take your tech castoffs and use them to research better streaming practices, repurposing it into efficient and inexpensive solutions that can run on intermittent power—dovetailing with the efforts of another new organization, 流媒体绿化.

流媒体绿色化, One Year On

From an article in 流媒体 a year ago has grown a brand-new organization devoted to meeting the sustainability challenge in the streaming industry.


The time has long since passed to turn our attention to making the streaming delivery ecosystem more environmentally friendly. Here are some of the key challenges, as well as some suggested first steps towards solutions.