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While many aspects of advertising were hit hard by the COVID-19 shutdowns, streaming advertising (also classified as digital video advertising) is behaving the way Robinhood traders think about the stock market—ever up and to the right. 辛克莱广播集团 STIRR 是走在潮流的前面吗.

辛克莱几年前创建了STIRR. The business idea is brilliant, but the implementation is still buggy. STIRR为消费者免费提供, 生活, local TV news broadcasts (if they're in a Sinclair market), 还有当地的体育运动, 随需应变的电影, 以及致力于烹饪的线性小众频道, 游戏节目, 恶作剧, 老电视剧, 谈话节目, 财经新闻, and lots more to de生活r average view times of 51 minutes on CTV and 30 minutes on mobile. 

STIRR广告的目标受众是当地观众, so Boston viewers will see Boston businesses' advertisements, even if they happen to be in Los Angeles when watching Boston content. As viewing on streaming went up, CTV advertising grew. Insider Intelligence research identifies that spending on digital video ads grew at double-digit rates during 2020, and ad spending on CTV in particular will increase by almost 50% this year. Brands are looking to advertise on streaming outlets, 现在, 似乎当他们想到流媒体, 他们想到的是地方电视台.

"The CPMs on local are so much higher than they are on a national basis for OTT,亚当·威尔说。, VP and general manager for national networks and platforms at Sinclair. BIA Advisory Services has pegged the 2020 OTT market for local video advertising at $990 million, out of an estimated total local TV ad revenue of $19.70亿美元. While OTT video advertising is a very small percentage of total TV ad spend, 它也接近10亿美元, which will help pay off the investment that companies like Sinclair have made in local media OTT with STIRR. 

"We're programming STIRR as if it were a television network with local affiliates," says Ware. So 生活 local news runs at the same time the local broadcast does. 本地新闻之后, when a broadcast station would go to national network news, STIRR有一个开放的时间段. “那半个小时你都干了些什么?? 好吧, you need to put something that first of all feels right, 和第二, 这是广告商的机会吗,威尔说。. "There's no way they can buy a half hour of [what] is sitting between newscasts. You could never buy that environment on traditional TV." So there's the potential for a half hour of local programming, 由当地企业赞助, 例如, but there's also the opportunity to test out something bigger.

STIRR也有完全赞助的电视台, like the Horse Shopping Channel (HSC)—think the 首页 Shopping Network, 但一切都与马有关. It started locally in Texas for a company that auctions horses and grew to include a lot of adjacent content, 比如西部片和真人秀节目. 现在,美国各地的观众都可以观看HSC.S. "What STIRR is trying to do is create new types of ad opportunities for advertisers that want to do more,威尔说。. 

Another focus of STIRR is an environment to place future content for ATSC 3.0交付. 当ATSC 3.0-enabled TVs become widely available, the content that's now on STIRR could be found on your new TV. 换句话说, Sinclair is developing the environment for more TV channels without having to seek the traditional broadcast spectrum and is creating opportunities for advertising revenue that didn't exist before.

几年前, a friend of mine said that local news is in danger of being replaced by two guys in a garage with some really good social media skills. Sinclair has created an environment to ensure it is out in front dealing with broadcast viewer declines, 快速通道进入者, 以及以数字为先的公司. 

If Sinclair tweaks STIRR and really gets focused (and maybe comes up with a better name), it will have absolutely found a way to crush those two guys in a garage, 同时给当地电视台提供美元, 不断增长的新市场, 为ATSC 3做准备.0广播未来.

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